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Writer's pictureYiunam Leung

Subject Talk Series on Life and Death Education

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

圖書館講座 談生論死

23/08/2020 「點樣講死先至好?」座談會 Symposium on “How to address the elephant in the room?”

「人人都有一死」,我們的死亡像我們的生活一樣,應該沒有痛苦和恐懼,應該舒適,並在需要時與關心我們的人在一起。但人們對談論死亡總有點忌諱,這次座談會,我們邀請了專科醫生、學者、病人家屬及其他專業人士一起探討如何與摯愛親友及病患者講論「死亡」。 “Everyone dies once.” Dying should be like our other moments of living. It should be free from pain and fear. It should be comfortable, and with our loved ones as needed. But people always treat death and dying as taboo. At this symposium, we have invited a specialist doctor, a philosophy scholar, a family member and a nurse consultant to discuss how to talk about “death” with the loved ones, friends and patients.

謝建泉醫生 Dr. Vincent Tse 生死教育學會創會會長 陶國璋博士 Dr. TAO Kwok Cheung 香港中文大學哲學系兼任教授 廖進芳女士 Ms. Faith Liu 香港老年學會顧問護師 (晚晴照顧) 李徐麗錞女士 Ms. Dorothea Li 病人家屬

27/09/2020 人在旅途終結時Dying well priorities of different stages in life 你可有想過人生旅途最後的日子怎樣過才是最好? 趁現在自己還能夠為自己做主的時候, 是否要想一想該怎樣準備? 我們邀請了專業人士跟大家探討在人生不同階段對人生終結應有的準備。 Have you ever wondered what is the best way to spend the last days of your life journey? While you can still decide for yourself, do you want to think about how to prepare? We have invited professionals to discuss with you the preparation for the end of life at different stages of life. 周燕雯教授 Professor Amy Chow香港大學社會工作及社會行政學系教授 陳丘敏如女士 Mrs. Faye Chan香港大學附屬學院護理學高級講師

24/10/2020 不談不談也要談 A dialogue on end of life care 當死神在不知不覺間敲門時, 我們避也避不了,怎樣能躺開心扉,與家人談論生死的問題 ; 醫護人員又如何打開話匣子與病人和家屬傾談預設照顧計劃和善別的問題,我們一同去探討。 When death knocks on the door unknowingly, we can’t avoid it. How can we openly talk about life and death with our family members? How can healthcare professionals attempt the dialogue and talk with patients and their families about advance care planning and the departure? Let ’s explore together. 陳煒嬋醫生 Dr. Tracy Chen 靈實司務道寧養院 紓緩醫學專科醫生 曾國威先生 Mr. KW Tsang 生死教育學會委員、紓緩治療顧問護師

28/11/2020 何處渡終程? Where to bid farewell? 父母會為未出生的孩子選擇出生的地點,哪一間醫院、哪一個地區,為了孩子搬屋或者移民的大有人在。出生地你自己無得揀,死在何處,你可以揀嗎? 這次講座是探討實施在何處離世時遇上的實際問題及分享一些可行建議。 Parents will choose the place of birth for the unborn child, which hospital, which area. Many people may move for the child or even immigrate. You can’t choose where you were born. Can we choose where to die? This talk is to discuss the practical problems encountered during implementation and to share some feasible suggestions. 龐美蘭女士 Ms. May Pong 資深護師 廖綺華女士 Ms. Eva Liu 生死教育學會委員

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